Oregon. If you have never taken the opportunity to attend a summer workshop, I strongly recommend putting effort into this. I would suggest starting with a search from the NSTA website www.NSTA.org and go from there. There are also many opportunities much closer to home, such as the PTRA (Physics Teachers Resource Agent) Workshop to be held at SDSU this July. Contact Dr. Larry Browning at Larry_Browning@sdstate.edu for further info. Happy Searching!!! If you can make it, every SDSTA member reading this newsletter is cordially invited to attend our Summer Meeting, to be held at Sioux Falls Roosevelt HS, August 6, 2004. We will discuss topics current and relevant to science education in South Dakota, such as an update in the progress in turning Homestake Mine into a world class neutrino lab, the latest NCLB news, sharing about what science related activities we did this summer and plans for the 2005 SDSTA/SDCTM February Conference. Please e-mail me with any questions or to RSVP……hey; it's free! Until next time; enjoy these last few weeks of school and hooray for Spring……
Mark Farrand Mark.farrand@rcas.org